What it’s important to know before doing a trekking (ramble) in Peru? What it’s important to know before doing a trekking (ramble) in Peru?

What it’s important to know before doing a trekking (ramble) in Peru?

How many days are necessary to acclimatize before a trekking in Peru?

Altitude acclimatization for a trekking or ramble in Peru.  

Before to initiate a trekking, it is imperative to plan a time of altitude acclimatization, in order to adapt to this new environment. This period is to determinate by yourself. Indeed, there is no general rule and the reaction of each body is different to face this process. However, it is indispensable to arrive at least 48 hours in altitude (more than 3000 meters) before the trekking.
It is also important to take a rest (1 day) after a long travel in plane or in bus before to start a trekking.

What is the best period or season for a trekking in Peru?

There are two seasons in the Andes:
-    A dry and cold season from April to October with very shinny days (warm feeling, in the order of 20 degrees) and cold to very cold temperatures during the night (the coldest time is July and August with night at 4000 meters of altitude at -5 to -15 degrees).
-    A wet and warm season from November to March with very changing days and frequent rains. The temperatures during the day are between 10 and 15 degrees in average and nights at 4000 meters of altitude are between 0 and 5 degrees.
It’s possible to ramble during all the year in Peru, nevertheless, you have to know that the Inca trail is closed every year in February for renovation. The best season is the dry one.

Those information still theoretical. The weather conditions are very changing at these altitudes. So it is advisable to be prepared for every climatic eventuality.

Where can we leave our things during a trekking in Peru?

You will only need in trekking a little part of your possessions, so it would be necessary to store the excess. It is to known that most of the hotels in Cusco has a baggage check service (for more information we invite you to ask to your hotel).

Information meeting before your trekking in Peru

It is no know that an information meeting is planned on the day before your departure, with your guide, in your hotel in the cities of Arequipa and Huaraz.
In the city of Cusco, the meeting is planned at 6pm, the day before your departure, in our agency, Choquechaca 229 D Street, in the historical center of Cusco (during the week-end it’s in Punchay Coffee, same address). You have to present with the exact address and phone number of your hotel in Cusco. This meeting has for purpose to help you in the preparation of your trekking. You will also receive indispensable information for the successful completion of your excursion (like the exact hour of the departure the next day). The non-participation to this meeting will lead to the cancelation of the services.

What are the walking time during a trekking in Peru?

The information on our website and on trekking sheets are given purpose only. So, it is better to take this information with caution.
Those walking times constitute an average, and that’s why, according to your physical fitness, this information can wards from your rate. Our trekkings are open to everyone and no previous experience is necessary. The groups’ composition is heterogeneous; ages, experiences and prospects of travelers are different. For more freedom, it is recommended to choose a half-private service.

What are the trekking services existing in Peru?

We give you hereafter the different services proposed by our Agency. Some trekking are only proposed in private service.

•    Basic fee in bundled service with a guide shared, English and Spanish speaker.
So you leave with a group of maximum 16 participants. The rate is the same, you are 2 or 16 participant registered. You share a guide with the other participants of the group. This guide speaks English and can, if you ask him at the beginning of your trekking, translate into Spanish.

•    Rate in private service with English-speaking guide
Service entirely private with a English-speaking guide and a team only for you.
Transports are also private (exclusive of train and bus shuttle for Machu Picchu).  

Guides for a trekking (ramble) in Peru
All our guides for trekking (ramble) in sharing service are English and Spanish speakers. The basic language use is English. Spanish is used upon request to your guide at the beginning of your trekking.
If you want a guide in French, you have to take a private or half-private service.
Don’t hesitate to contact us.

Can we do a trekking (ramble) with children in Peru?

Our trek are open to children (minimum 12 years old), subject to be in good physical conditions. It is to note that during the entire trekking, children are under the permanent responsibility of their parents. In no way the trekking team (guide, cooker, and mule drivers) can be substituted to this responsibility.

What are the reductions for a trekking (ramble) in Peru with an ISIC student card (or for children)?

Important: to benefit from the student reduction, it is indispensable to have an ISIC student card, the only card awareness in Peru. The other cards aren’t awareness for a reduction.
Those who have the ISIC card must be aged, at the moment of the trip, between 17 and 26 years old.
For the trekking of Inca Trail 4 days
Reduction of 40 US$, upon presentation of the ISIC card at the moment of the reservation and must have this card during the trekking.
Only this card is accepted for the reduction.

Warning: the holders of the ISIC card must be aged, at the moment of the trip, between 17 and 26 years old. The persons who have less than 16 years old during the excursion can benefit the same reduction (only possible by presenting a scan of the passport at the moment of the reservation and the original passport presentation at the moment of the entrance on the trekking).
For the Inca trail trekking 2 days
Reduction of 20 US$, upon presentation of the ISIC card at the moment of the reservation.
Only this card is accepted for the reduction.
Same conditions as above.
For all the other trekkings:
A reduction of 20 US$ is applied, following the same conditions as the Inca Trail trekking 4 days.

This information can be verified at any moment by Peruvian authorities so it is important to contact us before your departure to know if you are beneficiary of a reduction.

Health for a trekking in Peru

On our registration form, you have to indicate if you have a particular food allergy (at the moment of the briefing, the guide will ask you in any case). You also can indicate if you have a particular diet; vegetarian, without pork, etc… The dishes will be separated; a plate of meal, a plate of rice, a plate of vegetables, a plate of salad (this is an example).
People suffering heart or respiratory problem must IMPERATIVELY consult a doctor before the departure.

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