Medias in Peru and freedom of speechMedias in Peru and freedom of speech

Medias in Peru and freedom of speech

Peru is one on the Latin American country that suffered the most by dictatorship and armed conflicts, which had as principal consequences the limitation of freedom of speech. Since Alejandro Toledo’s government in 2001, democracy came back and with it, freedom of speech.

What are the most important newspapers in Peru?

Print media in Peru
Nowadays, print media in Peru has a lot of newspapers and a great plurality.

We can advise some newspapers:
El comercio is one the oldest newspapers in Spanish language, grounded in 1839 on conservative obedience, this is the reference in Peru.
La República grounded in 1981, is more to the left and were a media of opposition during Alberto Fujimori’s dictatorship.
Perú21 belongs to « El comercio » group and is a newspaper for young and casual people.
Caretas is a weekly newspaper influent of Peruvian press, grounded in 1950 with a great freedom of speech and of tone.

What are the main TV channels in Peru?

Television in Peru

This last years in Peru, there were an explosion of TV channel creation. The last one don’t have quality programs yet and have a lot of publicity.

The most famous channels are:
TVPERU is the national channel, it has the most important coverage at the national level and proposes various programs and the president’s activities.
ATV is certainly the most important private channel of Peru with often the best audiences. It proposes most of the time entertainment programs and movies from American productions.
FRECUENCIA LATINA is the second private channel of Peru. It has the particularity of having a studio also in United-States, which can reach Peruvian people living in the United-States.

In most of good hotels, you can have cable television with a large selection of channels from all over the world.

What are the main Radio Stations in Peru?

Radio in Peru
There are a lot of radio stations in Peru and for the majority, they propose entertainment programs and Latin music.

We can advise those radios:
RPP is the radio station for information 24h/24, often useful in campaigns when there is no television.
RADIO PANAMERICANA is a private radio station, general one, with plenty of contemporary Latin music.

In all cities of Peru, there are pirate radios proposing local actualities.

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