Golf in PeruGolf in Peru

Golf in Peru

What is the history of golf in Peru?

Golf in Peru started at the beginning of the 20th century with the British engineers and executives of the railway company “Pacific Steal Navigation”. Over the time, the Peruvian peoples have been interested to this sport and several clubs opened. Most of the golf courses are on the Peruvian coast, the essential in Lima or in its region.

Where is it possible to practice golf in Peru (the different golf clubs in Peru)?  

Please note that most clubs are private, and most of them do not accept players other than their own members. We advise you to check with them directly.

Golf courses in Arequipa

Arequipa golf club
Pasaje el Golf 205,
Lara Zocabaya, Peru

Golf courses in Lima

Granja azul country club
Carretera Central Km. 14, Valle Santa Clara, Ate Vitare
Lima, Peru

Lima golf club
Av. Camino Real 770, San Isidro
Lima, Peru

Los Andes golf club
Carretera Central Km. 23 - Hacienda Huampani - Lurigancho
Chosica, Peru

Country club de Villa
Av Hernando de Lavalle s/n Urb. Country Club de Villa - Chorrillos
Lima, Peru

Country club la planicie
Av. José Barandiarán 457 Urb. La Planicie, La Molina
Lima, Peru

Cruz de hueso golf club
Adress: Av. Cruz de Hueso s/n Km. 50 y 51-Panamericana Sur
Lima, Peru

Los Inkas golf club
Av. El Golf los Inkas s/n Monterrico - Surco
Lima, Peru

Cuajone country club
Av Tacna s/n Cuajone, Campamento Minero
Moquegua, Peru

Asia golf club
Panamericana Sur Km. 95

Cancha pública de San Bartolo
Av. Cruz de Hueso s/n Km. 50 y 51-Panamericana Sur
San Bartolo

Golf courses in Ilo

Golf club las lomas
Pampa Calichi s/n, Camino Fundición, Pacocha, Moquegua
Ilo, Peru

Golf courses in Trujillo

Golf y country club Trujillo
Av. Guillermo Ganoza 850 - Urb. El Golf, La Libertad
Trujillo, Peru

Golf courses in La Oroya

La Oroya golf club
Asento minero El Inca Hotel Junin
Carretera Central Km. 178 s/n Campamento Chulig, Junin
La Oroya, Peru

Golf courses in Tacna

Casilla 303, Toquepala
Tacna, Peru

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