Oruro is a perfect summary of the miner situation of the Altiplano. About 90% of pure indigenous are living, their race is not mixed and its name means “where the sun was born”. Life is difficult there since the decrease of the mineral industry and because of the exhausting climatic conditions. Cold and grey, at first sight, the city proposes to who would take the time to stay a time some museums and interesting sites in the surroundings. But, what makes the real interest of the city is its carnival. During the month of February, Oruro sees coming thousands and thousands of dancers, musicians and strollers and the city adorns a rainbow of many colors in order to exorcise all the weight of History, with a lot of music, dance, colors and obviously, alcohol. This is one of the biggest carnival of Latin America, and all the national diversity is celebrating. By the way, Oruro owns its classification to the World Heritage of Humanity thanks to these annual celebrations.