How do we achieve a « payment to the earth » in Peru?How do we achieve a « payment to the earth » in Peru?

How do we achieve a « payment to the earth » in Peru?

In remote Andean communities, almost all the major events are preceded by a “pago a la tierra”; payment to the earth.

Villagers gather and prepare, in little paper bags, the offering composed of candies, little gifts, alcohol and k’intus (those 3 coca leaves accompanied by Huayruros’ seeds. 

The offerings are watering with alcohol, burned and entered a special place. 

Ceremony is achieved by a pampamisayoc, kind of Andean priest, or presided by an altomisayoc who have the gift to directly communicate with spirits and Apus. The altomisavocs are becoming rarer in the Andes: they are like Andean Great Priests, they received their vocation during a dream, during a dive in a frozen lake or if they survived to a lightning impact.

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